
Nkuru, Kenya

We crossed the equator again and then the Uganda/Kenya border. Stayed for two nights in Nkuru at a working farm. Lovely smell of silo wafting through! Some of the guys went on safari again but the rest of us just hung around the farm. We played table tennis and footy. I seem to have introduced soome of the guys to the joys and simplicity of the World Game.

One afternoon we went over to see the baby cows. Safa Jess let one cow suck her hand, as it had no teeth. They let us feed milk from a bucket to the cows using a pipe. I had a go and while trying to push the tube closer to the cows mouth found that this cow has teeth when it bit my finger! It wasnt much of a bite but pretty funny.  Anyway, the farm was a good spot to spend my last 2 nights in Africa.

On Thursday i went with Summer to Nairobi then on my own to the airport. Unfortunately i was there 13 hours before my flight with not much to do. Then when i checked in at 1:30 am they told us there was a 2 hour delay. So we eventually left at 6:30am. This meant that we missed our connecting flight in Cairo so had to wait there for 6 hours. Still, i did get to see the Opening Ceremony and the first half of South Africa and Mexico before finally arriving back in the UK.

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