
Yaounde, Cameroon

well, after the other days lengthy blog, just thought i would write some quick notes while the internet is working. wasted heaps of time trying to upload pix to facebook yesterday, finally got it done today at the one posh internet cafe out of town. We are still staying in the church yard. Probably the only such place that has a bar, comfy sofas, rastas and soccer, so spent the last couple of nights in there. funny how everyone staggered out last night when the guys starts stacking the empty seats.

we should leave here on saturday if we get our visas sorted. 5 people are leaving, for various reasons so we are going to a chinese restaurant for dinner for farewell. i knows its going to be silly expensive but it will be fun so will just have to bite the bullet. some of these overlanders have too much money for my taste! Lena is one of those leaving so i will need to get a new cook group member from somewhere. We made curry last night and it went pretty well as we are normally a bit slow when it comes to cooking, but we havent had any disasters so far.

bought a couple of pairs of shorts at the Big Market because mine are falling apart. As soon as you get to the market, guys will follow you around and try to direct you to shops for a commission, but it was driving us nuts as we are perfectly capable of shopping by ourselves. i might have bought more stuff if they had left me alone. i think i got a fair deal on the shorts, hopefully they wont fall apart!

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